Sunday, February 25, 2007

so amazing.

lastnight, i had dinner with my cousin brian. we don't hang out very often... as a matter of fact, it was the FIRST time we hung out, just the two of us. it was totally random and out of the blue, but it was awesome nonetheless. he inspired me lastnight. my cuzzo's a brand new christian. he's got a great "story" to tell about his journey (which i'll let him tell if/when you ever get to meet him)... as we were talking lastnight, i couldn't help but get inspired by his fearlessness to share God's word with pretty much anybody who was around.

so, after those few hours of just sitting at coco's in cerritos just talking about our lives and how God has transformed us both, i did a lot of thinking about how i need to make some changes in my own life. i've been struggling with a lot of things lately - one being the fact that i'm not being TRUE to my faith. God has called us to be fearless and spread His word to those around us. In church, I've been learning how to be a "Revolutionary". Each week, my pastor reminds me that "a revolutionary is a person who brings about significant change in their area of influence." i want to be that type of person. a person like my cousin who is fearless when it comes to spreading the Word of God, fearless when it comes to praying for other people, fearless when it comes to just standing up for his beliefs, unaffected by what others think or feel towards him, because he knows God's got his back. amazing.

i just got back from yet another awesome service at my church, and guess what the topic was about today? being a "pioneer". someone who steps out in the forefront and does something that nobody has ever done before and how us, as christians, need to ask God what His "dream" is for us - what He wants us to do to help more people become followers of Christ. i thought it was weird how this whole weekend, i've been struggling with how I can be a "better" christian, and God uses my cousin and my church to show me that i can definitely dream big dreams in my faith, and watch them come to fruition, because God's got my back.

just one word for today... amazing. so, i'm ready for the challenge, and even more ready to see the amazing things God's gonna do in my life and the lives of the people who He calls me to help. keep me in prayer, i'm gonna need it! word? ;)


Anonymous said...

word! hahaha i can't believe you write that in your blogs...ok fotter, bye bye!

Anonymous said...

Fo shizzle hommie! I am excited to see what God is going to do.