the aftermath.
after a few days of processing and absorbing all of the news of sunday, i woke up this morning ready to face the day without all the "dave trotter bs". it takes so much work to be angry, so, i've let it all go. i've surrendered it completely to God, and trust Him to do what He needs to do with all of that...
i learned a lot from trotter. things that have changed my life forever, and i will always be thankful to him for helping guide me in the right direction...
i trust that God will do amazing things through revolution church as we continue to heal from this tragic blow.
dave trotter, if you're reading this... for what it's worth, i forgive you.
• you're an amazing man whose lost his way - i pray that you will be realigned with Christ again soon.
• you're a great leader who has been blinded by lust - i pray that you remember what you preached to us during the "sex.god" series about "lust" and how it's "animalistic" and how we, as Christ followers, are strong enough to fight it.
i miss the old pastor dave. you know... the one that actually cared.
It's been a strange few weeks... and I'm really ready to move on. I still feel how I feel (mostly anger, frustration and sadness) but moving forward, I'm excited.
I think this will only make us a stronger closer church family.
We'll all have to walk together.
I am nowhere near your church, but I love your honesty and being able to even post to reach out. This has happaened in our churches at least 6 times with different pastors and my husband's family and mine.
I wish people could go back to caring. :( IT sucks that in the middle of lust, the last thing people think about is the ones that their sin will hurt. I wish I would allow God to help me to honestly forgive people who hurt me. I am in the middle of a cycle of quasi-forgive and play surface friends and have this 'elephant in the room' syndrome...then continue in my own bitterness and I wasn't even the first person who sinned in all of the mess that has happened in our lives...I am rambling, but the point for me is...STOP AND THINK BEFORE YOU causes others to stumble.
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