Thursday, June 5, 2008

master plan.

the past few months, i've really been thinking about where i want to be in the future. career wise, for the most part. i think the reason why is because i'm closing in on 30 in a few years, and i'm nowhere near where i thought i was gonna be... NO BUENO!

so, i figured, i'd throw out a few "future" ideas i had in mind, and everyone who reads this, if you don't mind, please pray for 'em. thanks!

1) go back to school for radiologic technology
2) after finishing that, continuing on to specialize in MRI

that's pretty much what i want to do at this point. i'm still teaching and doing the martial arts thang, so - pray for that too. it's been the only constant thing in my life for the past 7.5 years... CRAAAAAZY!

anyway... BEING AN ADULT SUCKS! i'll leave it at that.

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