Tuesday, May 15, 2007

... and so it begins!

aight, so tomorrow marks the first day of the "TRI to Lose Challenge". i'm pretty stoked. i've started last week eating healthy, getting my body used to it, so it's not quite a shock come tomorrow! haha. i've gotten a few pledges/donations already. i got donations from my sisters, leslie and melanie, and also my friend lourdes. i also got a pretty fat (no pun intended!) pledge from my godfather, val catalasan, and his company, jobstead. guess for how much? a super generous $5.00 per pound! is that awesome or what?

so yeah, the challenge begins tomorrow yo! do your part in helping these kids over in uganda and donate or pledge!! do so by shooting me an email! if you wanna read up on the "TRI to Lose Challenge", click here, and Bobby Marchessault will tell you all about it!

check back tomorrow for my first video post. word!

1 comment:

bobby said...

Hello? Wha happo? Where you be? :(