Friday, August 1, 2008

diggin' the new gig

well, for those of you that don't know... i started a "<a href="">new gig</a>" a few weeks ago. it's definitely an answer to my prayers 'cuz prior to scoring this gig, i left my last one and was in the process of looking for another... and... In God's perfect style and timing, He hooked me up with something way better, more fun, and with a person i learned a ton from the past 2 years of my life... pretty awesome, right?!?

i look forward to learning a lot at this gig. i honestly already have learned quite a bit already, and i think that's the reason i dig it so much.

anyway, thanks God! you're awesome! and thanks trotter for hookin' it up!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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